Sending In Your Moves:
- Obviously moves require at least a speed. However, Race Stewards cannot check back with you while processing a move, so�
- When sending your move take a minute to think of odd scenarios that might come up and provide options in your move. This is especially important in corners where a lane may end up being blocked by a slower moving car in front or a spin. Feel free to send as many if/then statements as you'd like. You can also send basic instructions like, "do anything to get me out of the next corner." Or "move me as far as possible without rolling dice." Both are commonly written instructions... usually after the drivers preferred move.
- If the Race Steward is unable to execute your move as written, they will do the best they can based on your instructions. If you were planning to spend wear, the Race Steward will try to spend that wear, maybe in a different place. But no die rolling if it can be helped. And again: If you are in a situation where you have to spend wear or roll dice, the Race Steward will always opt to spend wear. If you have to roll dice, the Race Steward will roll the friendliest dice possible and spend as much skill as you can.
- Also, if you set defaults the Race Steward will try to follow those defaults to the best of their ability.
- You may plot ahead if you'd like. Some players frequently send two or more moves at a time. That's good. The Race Steward can save the future moves to fill in if they don't hear otherwise on that upcoming turn.
If the Race Steward doesn't get a move:
- Deadlines are deadlines. There will no longer be any extensions to deadlines.
- If the Race Steward does not get a car build for a driver that driver will either be left out of this race or will have to race a pre-set car build
- The Race Steward will tend to exclude any driver who did not send a car build.
- If the race is part of a series or event, but not the first in the event then the Race Steward can use the driver's most recent car build as their car build for this race.
- If the Race Steward does not get a pole bid for a driver the Race Steward will use default Historical bids based on the car's start speed. These bids will use green skill, then red skill, then wear. T varies by track but is either 0, 1/2 the number of laps for this race, or equal to the number of laps for this race.
- 100 and 120 start speed cars: T + Laps + d6/2
- 60 start speed cars: T + d6/2
- 20 start speed cars: 1-2 = 0; 3-4 = 1 green skill; 5-6 = laps * green skill
- If using knock-out bidding, use the bids above for round one. Use the bids below for round 2, if out of green skill use red skill to create change (unless default behavior for red skill use has been changed for that driver) or simply bid less:
- 100 and 120 start speed cars: 1-3 = 1 green skill, 4-6 = laps * green skill
- 60 start speed: 1-3 = 0, 4-6 = 1 green skill
- 20 start speed: 0
If the Race Steward does not have a move for a driver by the deadline, the steward will use the historical move instructions to determine the car's move in one of two ways. The race steward should determine ahead of time which method they will use and use it consistently for that race. These plots are called Ghost Plots.
- The Simple/Zero Wear Method.
- Use the zero-wear instructions on the side of the track where that car is currently located to determine what speed the car should move at.
- If that speed is not achievable without using tests or wear, get as close as possible.
- Never roll dice unless absolutely necessary.
- Try not to use any wear.
- If you are in a situation where you have to spend wear or roll dice, the Race Steward will always opt to spend wear.
- If you have to roll dice, the Race Steward will roll the friendliest dice possible and spend as much skill as you can.
- As always, if any default settings apply to skill usage or other possibilities the Race Steward will allow those to guide the move.
- The Complicated Method.
- Note the position on track that each car is in when they exit the first corner of the race.
- If in the top 1/3rd of the field, all ghost plots will be done using the Front A strategy card.
- If in the last 1/3rd of the field, all ghost plots will be done using the Back S strategy card.
- Otherwise, all ghost plots will be done using the Even strategy card.
- Round positions down. So if you are 4th in an 11 car field you are not top 3rd.
- The historical driver mechanic is used in this case only to set the car's target speed and wear spend. However, the car will not roll dice if at all possible and will not use skill to automatically pass die rolls.
Setting Your Defaults
- Everyone should receive a link at the beginning of the race for setting their defaults. You can use this to set your preferred default options for a number of choices that are usually made during a move. In theory, you can go back and re-set these at any time. However, if you do that after turn 1 let your Race Steward know.
- You can always email your Race Steward to change a default or to provide a different default then the options presented.
- If you've raced in this series before, your old defaults will remain until / unless you send new ones.
- Current defaults are listed below. Unless otherwise noted, the default behaviors can be changed. Also note that all of these defaults are trumped by any specific instructions in your move instructions.
- If presented with an opportunity to forced pass the default is not to.
- If someone tries to forced pass you the default is not to block.
- If your desired path in a corner is blocked the default is spend the same or less wear as the desired path would have regardless of where in the corner that puts you. Note that this assumes alternatives are not given in the move instructions.
- In the spaces before the corner the default is to land in a position to take the fastest / most efficient lane through the upcoming corner (usually, but not always a line).
- At the end of your move if a car is in the row in front of you but not closest to the grey side of the track the default is to line up behind that car only if there is no chance that anyone can reach your row this turn.
- Default is to break up -3 skill chips for three -1 skill chips if needed.
- Default is to spend 2 wear exceeding decel and/or late braking before rolling a decel test.
- Default skill use for the following rolls:
- Test Top/Accel: 2
- Test Brakes: 2
- Chance: 3
- Crash Avoidance: 2
- Unblocked Forced Pass: 2
- Blocked Forced Pass: 3
- You will NOT be given any slips unless you request them in your plot.
Positioning When Slips May Be in Play Next Turn
- A car may not end its move in position to potentially give a slip to another car unless there is some other reason to be positioned there. For example:
- Lining up behind someone else for a potential slip next turn.
- Guarding against giving up inside position to a potential threat.
- Positioning for the next corner.
Blocking and Forced Passing Defaults
- If you set a default related to blocking and forced passing, your car�s stat box will have a letter above it (see below under move reports).
- A green P indicates that your defaults have specified that you will NOT block a forced pass.
- A red B indicates that you will block a forced pass.
- Note that because some defaults indicate situations that can automatically turn off these conditions, drivers cannot assume that just because a car has a green P this turn, that it will not block next turn when they try a forced pass.
- If you do not make a default setting for blocking you will not have a letter but will be assumed to be letting people pass unless you otherwise indicate in your move order.
- As with any other default, this one can be changed by email at any time.
Move Reports:
- Your Race Steward will send out a PDF or common image format after every move.
- The track map with cars on it and little boxes that provide basic information for each car: current speed, last turn�s speed, acceleration, deceleration, top speed, remaining wear, remaining regular (-1) skill, and remaining (-3) skill chips. To save space start speed is not included until the driver is out of -3 skill. Your Race Steward will try to note start speed when relevant.
- Also note that the letters at the top of the box represent a public display of that car�s willingness to block a forced pass. See above.
- Finally, your Race Steward may make some notations below each box for die rolls, wear and skill use. Etc.
- Race Stewards shoot for 48 hours between moves and are encouraged to try to keep to a regular schedule when possible.
- Race Stewards are also encouraged to give people extra time over US holidays and weekends.
- Race Stewards are encouraged to give people a warning if they have not received a move from you closer to the deadline or to acknowledge all moves received.
- However, Race Stewards are volunteers and get nothing but love for their time and effort and so are encouraged to find a schedule and system that works for them including taking breaks during vacations.
- If possible, Race Stewards will not steward their own race. If unavoidable, the steward will designate another steward or driver to send their moves to as soon as possible after they send out that move report. This person will be announced before the season begins.
Checking Move Reports:
- Race Stewards make mistakes.
- If you think your Race Steward made a mistake, email them and explain.
- Your Race Steward will then make a judgement call and may roll back the move if they think they really screwed it up. Or they might make an adjustment on the fly if the change does not affect other drivers in the short term.
- If you really think your Race Steward screwed up and you do not believe that their solution is fair, you can appeal directly to me (
- Wear and skill counts used to go sideways frequently, but this should be much better with the new reporting system stewards will be using. However, feel free to let your steward know if you think it is wrong so that they can do an audit to make sure its right.
"Table Talk"
"Table Talk" is allowed, but please restrict your conversation with fellow racers to compliments, critisizms, making fun of your friends, and thanking your stewards. Do NOT discuss future moves in any way... even obscurely. Any coordinated move between drivers is illegal.
I understand that for many drivers offering slips and avoiding blocking drivers is a style, a sign of good behaviour, and/or a meta-game play hoping for return kindness later on. I am not trying to outlaw friendly play. One move that looks like cooperation is not a coordinated move. A half dozen moves where I have no explanation for the moves other than these cars are working together is a problem.
What I am trying to do is draw a line in the sand to prevent friendly play from turning into defacto team play. Team play is unfair in an environment where people are discouraged from playing in teams and I really do not want an underground team-mate market to form in response.
Stewards have been instructed that if they are convinced that coordinated moves have taken place, they should enforce one of the penalties below. Stewards are welcome to call in other stewards and/or myself to review the situation.
- For first time issues, one of these first three penalties should be applied depending on the severity of the transgression and the discression of the steward.
- Verbal Warning.
- Drive Through Penalty: Move the offending cars off track for 1 turn as if they had to pit, they do not move but their speeds remain the same. Put them back on track the very next turn... slotting them into the most inside position possible in the row they left. This effectively penalizes the cars 1 full turn.
- Stop And Go Penalty: Same as Drive Through but for 2 turns instead of 1.
- For repeat offences, stewards should apply a more severe penalty above or penalty 4 below. After a driver has been disqualified from a race they are on notice that a similar offense will have them banned from this PBeM.
- Disqualification: They are removed from the race as a DNF.
- Banned from the Series
Pencil Format Points, Promotions, Demotions, and Final Rankings
- Tier 1 is composed of a single 10-driver series called P1.
- Tier 2 includes 2 separate fields of drivers (Divoll and Reilly) with a maximum field size of 10.
- Tier 3 includes 2 fields of cars (Ascari and Fangio).
- Tier 4 includes 2 fields of cars (Clark and Moss). Drivers who join mid-season will be added evenly and randomly to these fields.
- My standard point scale for all races:
- 1st: 23 pts
- 2nd: 16
- 3rd: 11
- 4th: 8
- 5th: 6
- 6th: 5
- 7th: 4
- 8th: 3
- 9th: 2
- 10th: 1
- 11+: 0
- DNF: 0
- Promotions and Demotions
- In all cases, top and bottom drivers are determined by their season points to date. Tie breakers:
- Best Finish
- Second Best Finish
- Finish in the last race of the season
- At the end of the season, the top 2 driver from a tier 2 race are promoted to P1. In every other series, the top 3 drivers from each field is promted to the next tier. As many drivers as needed are then demoted from that tier to compensate.
- There are no longer any mid-season promotions.
